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Our dance floor panels come in increments of 4'x3'. We can install floors as small as 12x12 and as large

as 12,000 square feet. We offer white high gloss, custom color high gloss and metallic high gloss finishes as

well as custom vinyl appliques. Below are some common sizes that we have available but are not limited to: 



Rectangle and Square:


16'x18' - 80-100 guests


16'x21' - 100-120 guests


20'x21' - 120-150 guests


24'x24' - 150-200 guests 


24'x27' - 200-250 guests


27'x32' - 250-280 guests


32'x33' - 300-350 guests

Round Floors:


14' round - 50-80 guests


20' round - 150-180 guests


24' round - 200-250 guests


32' round - 300-350 guests


39' round - 350-450 guests

Oval Floors:


24'x28' oval - 200-280 guests


24'x32' oval - 250-300 guests


24'x36' oval - 300-350 guests


24'x40' oval - 350-400 guests


24'x44' oval - 400-440 guests

Stainless Steel Seams vs Designer Dance Floors Seamless Flooring 

Offering all different sizes and colors we pride ourselves on providing exquisite white, black or custom colored floors.

Just send us a color swatch and we will match the color!

Custom decal designs are also available. All we need is your high resolution design and we handle the rest!

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